

Monday, September 15, 2014

Do you ever wonder...

The stars were marvelous tonight. My absolute favorite thing to do is to gaze up at these beautiful twinkling lights. We can see them yet we can never reach them or see them enough. When I was a little girl, I would squint as hard as I could in effort to capture them in my gaze, longing to see them in their fullness.

I forget sometimes that they are there. My worries and anxieties of daily life cloud out the starlit diamonds like the light pollution of the busy city. But every now and then I catch a glimpse of the stars. It slows me down. My breath. My time. My thoughts roam as big as the expanse of the sky. As I stand against the frame, the cold crisp air filling my lungs, I begin to wonder...

Right this moment, who else is gazing up into the sky?

Who are they?

Where are they?

As I'm gazing up at the stars in wonder, is there someone out there looking up at them in hope? In longing? In despair? Fear?

Is there someone looking at them now with a longing for the freedom out there in the world? Or a little girl with her hopes and dreams on a sleepless night.

I wish I could meet them. I wish I could meet them and see the world through their eyes for a little while.

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